【南港島線直達泰菜新熱點】全新Ginger Grill「爐炭燒」泰式餐廳


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港鐵金鐘站幾分鐘輕鬆直達海洋公園,快來體驗全新「爐炭燒」泰式餐廳,展開一次火辣辣惹味嘅地道泰菜之旅!明火炭燒爐置於餐廳中心,選用備長炭為燃料,配上各種東南亞香料,款款炭燒料理外脆內軟,肉汁豐富,香氣四溢,為你送上視覺、味覺、嗅覺多重享受! 詳情:https://www.oceanpark.com.hk/tc/dining-and-shopping/restaurants/ginger-grill

[A few minutes journey to the paradise of Fire Cuisine] Just a few minutes away from the city center by MTR, come and experience a hot and spicy culinary journey at the all-new open fire charcoal grill Thai restaurant, Ginger Grill! At the open-frame white charcoal grill station, spices from South East Asia dance freely on the fire through the magical hands of our chefs, serving you a series of authentic Thai “fire cuisines" with irresistible aroma and taste that is a feast for the eyes! For details: https://www.oceanpark.com.hk/en/dining-and-shopping/restaurants/ginger-grill

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